Saturday, March 10, 2007

OK.......I brought myself back into WW after several weeks away. I only gained .2 Thats not so bad considering how I ate. That was Thursday and I went to the Harry concert last night so, of course, I had to eat out with my friends. The concert was wonderful and the food was good. Tomorrow I am back on track. I went to the Core plan one week and lost 4 lbs that week. What I learned is that I truly need to incorporate more proteins and fruits and veggies into the diet. The Core plan only lets you have carbs (whole wheat pasta or a potato) once a day. I dont think I could do that every day. So I will do the Points again this week but still try to limit my carbs to once a day, but the carbs of my choice, add in more vegetables and the protein shouldn't be a problem since I mainly eat chicken. Then if I get to a point where I am not losing I may try the Core plan again one week. The weather was wonderful this weekend. It is so nice to be outside. Rusty and I bought two fishing rods today and went to the lake, but it was getting dark and the fish weren't biteing. I think we'll try again tomorrow if the weather stays nice. I'm going to try to add a photo from the concert.....we'll see how it goes.

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