Sunday, February 18, 2007


This has been a rough week for staying on the plan. I was sick and I also changed plans. Doing the WW points can be tough. Because of its flexibility, I tend to eat things that aren't as good for me (i.e. weight watchers snack cakes=1 point, 100 calorie packs, etc) One of the main goals is to eat 5-6 veggies or fruit everyday. I was not doing this and I was only losing about a half a pound to one pound a week. Thats not awful, but I feel like I could do more so I decided to try the Core system this week. It focuses on fruits and veggies and lean proteins. You can have carbs in the form of whole wheat pastas (which are not that bad) and potatoes. You can only have these during one meal a day. You also still get your 35 points per week to use on extras. It must have worked because I lost 4 lbs this week. Yaaaaaah! So now I am at 178.6. Thats pretty big, but I looked back to when I started Weight Watchers several years ago (before I quit) and I had started at 189. The fact that I am still smaller than I was then is encouraging. That's less than 50 lbs to lose. Ultimate goal is 130. For my height the healthy weight range is 113-141. I started back on Jan 4, 2007 and my total weight-loss to date is 7.6. Last week I went backwards by 1.8, but I made up for it this week. For anyone who's interested I've been incorporating several different exercise videos into my weekly schedule. I find every opportunity to exercise. I've been taking my laptop to work and carrying a workout video which I do in one of the empty rooms in the back of our office. My workmate is also doing Weight Watchers and has been doing the exercises with me some. My favorite videos to do during lunchtime is the Walk Away the Pounds series lead by Leslie Sansome. I just think these videos are wonderful. She bases them on miles and she has videos that go anywhere from 1 mile to 4 miles. They are not overly strenuous and are great if it's too cold outside to walk. They are also easy to follow. Sometimes she incorporates hand weights and resistence bands but they are not required to do the exercises. I found these videos at Wal-Mart but also try looking on E-bay or On the weekends and sometimes during the week I switch around my routine with something incorporating strength training. Prevention puts out some nice videos which have cardio and toning. I also like Denise Austin's toning exercises. I am not as keen on her cardio workouts. You can view her workouts on either Lifetime or LRW, I can't remember which. She comes on about 6 AM Central time. Also for those of you who have DirecTV go to FitTV. You can find a workout there for anyone. For anyone who is interested in Weight Watchers but doesn't have the time to go to meeting, try Weight Watchers online. My friend Donna is doing that plan and looks awesome. I'm done with this rather long blog............ I'll try to update more and write less..... :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Introduction to my blog world.......

This is my first blog experience. I figured now was as good a time as any to start one. I am beginning a journey to become more fit in my thirties. You will see that introduction on my blog site. I've posted some photos that I have stored on this computer. They are not my very first photos before I lost weight. They are photos after I had lost about 15 lbs. I will try to post some other photos that were taken prior to that. In the future I will try to ad links to websites that I feel will help anyone else who is doing what I am doing which is getting fit through Weight Watchers and exercising. I will also try to ad links of interest about traveling, the outdoors, and anything else which could be of interest to you. I'm also using this as a way to keep in touch with family and friends. I hope you all will find what I have here interesting. Please send your comments. Thanks!