Sunday, April 1, 2007

Spring is a comin'

Here's the update.......I lost .4 lbs this week. That makes my grand total 9.2 I am not going at an ideal pace, but at least I am going in the right direction. I've still been doing my WATP dvds. The weather has been very nice and I have been able to get outdoors more. Rusty and I have been doing some work in the yard and we went fishing last weekend. I caught 4 bass over the course of the weekend. We brought them home from the lake and put them in our pond. We've been trying to work on the flower gardens around the cottage. I like to call it the cottage because that's what it is. I told him we should change our names to Fred and Wilma. For those who do not know us, we actually live in a round rock house that was built by my grandfather. It comes with its headaches, but at least we can boast that no one on the block (or even in the state, that I know of) has a house like ours. We have found various rocks around the property that we have used as the border to our future flower gardens. We do have some plants that were here when we started (hostas, the spider plants, and the red hot pokers) I want to add some colorful flowers in some of the beds and in some flower pots. We also brought out the tropical pants ( not sure of the name) I'll try to add some pictures later. So as far as my diet is going I am doing ok and I seem to be a lot more active lately. I really get into a funk during the winter. Also for those who know us, the "little house" will probably be coming down this summer. If it is possible, we may keep some of the boards to use for some other purpose. Since we are getting a ski boat for Rusty this summer, he said I could have my pool next summer. Hopefully by next summer, we can start entertaining some friends over. Its just too much of a mess right now for that.


Elitist City-Dweller said...

Good job on the weight loss. Keep it up.

That little house has so many memories, but it's time for it to come down. I'm sure it will improve the look of the area. You'll even be able to see the pond area from your house.

Looks like you got your blog issues worked out. Keep posting.

Donna said...

Good job on the weight loss- you are really looking great! I've got a nasty cold and I'm totally uninspired to do anything right now- hopefully I can come out of it soon.

Soo Mi said...

I found a recipe site that has some pretty good stuff on it. I added the link in my latest blog post. You might find some stuff in there that you'll like. They look pretty easy to make.